What makes Okara special?

100% Digital Network

We have 52,000+ digitally verified & connected fleets to engage with just one message away. Increasing efficiency, improving customer and employee satisfaction are three remarkable benefits of digitalization. Hence, we are intensifying our efforts to fully capitalise on this opportunity.

Contact-less Delivery

Okara is a Contactless first-to-last mile delivery company. In this post-Covid era, we have made all our operations completely paperless. This in turn helps us to be an environmentally friendly company that is working towards reducing global carbon emissions.

Aggregator Platform

Okara is a prominent provider of aggregated logistics services in the industry. We deliver a well-organised and steady platform to regulate your shipping orders and facilitate direct communication with our experts. Through this modernized service, we promise to keep you well-informed and updated about the status of your goods and vehicles. Register with us.

Always On-time PAN India Deliveries

Okara has an India wide network to serve our nation’s growing industries. With branches in all regions, that function upto 24 hours a day, collecting & delivering cargo with unmatched speed & accuracy. We also have a tie-up with OEMs for PAN-India AMC with Downtime Liability.”

State & UT served
Statisfied Coustmer
Vehicle Our Aggregated Platform
Transported Tonnage (Annually Average)

Our Happy Clients

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